
Explore untapped commercial opportunities by identifying new applications for existing assets. Connect previously unconnected dots by mining knowledge from billions of scientific articles, patents, news, and publications.

Grow with what your already have

Biopharma has captured global attention by repositioning drugs and therapeutics, yet AI can help companies repurpose a broad spectrum of products, ranging from aerospace alloys to battery materials.  

Research Studio uses autonomous idea-processing to help companies avoid well-trodden product paths, and identify novel uses for by-products and raw materials that competitors often miss.  

Research Studio synthesizes information drawn from 400 billion sources – scientific articles, research reports, patents and news – and automatically scans thousands of ‘unforeseen’ domain combinations and causal relationship chains.  

By processing early signals, trends, market momentum and enabling technologies, the platform reveals potential new applications and high-priority research directions, many of which are simply inconceivable to a human researcher due to cognitive bias (our tendency to revert to the familiar).   

Research Studio generates clearly visualized recommendations – risk, commercial potential, out-licensing options – with easy-to-navigate evidence (success/deficiencies) for each solution.  Results refresh continuously, ensuring an innovation pipeline that is always evergreen.

With little-to-none R&D investment, the platform helps navigate the delicate risk-reward balance of repurposing opportunities. Consider a leading chemicals company who wanted to  identify potential novel applications for its existing assets. The company used Research Studio to analyze >100M web-pages, that resulted in:

  •  >10,000 applications
  • 25% of applications that were novel and unknown to the client
  • Dozens of feasible applications, each with a potential revenue range of $50-500 million.

AI-powered problem-solving uncovers thousands of potential repurposing opportunities, ensuring a data-driven, scalable innovation stream that delivers a powerful competitive edge.


Analyze interactions and co-occurrences

Analyze interactions and co-occurrences

Understand the connection between concepts at scale across patents, research publications, news, grants, and clinical trials.

Counting co-mentions over time allows you to analyze and identify dynamics, highlighting saturated versus rising areas of interest and identify potential novelty opportunities.

Identify adjacencies from different fields of knowledge, a capability beyond human capacity.

Discover indirect connections across different domains

Discover indirect connections across different domains

Find novel and hidden connections to validate or refute hypotheses, with built-in evidence-markers and visualized scoring.

Build pathways of the highest novelty potential, each containing numerous built-in indicators to support further investigation by your team.

Indicators include path evidence and relative ranking, discovered path summary, users’ commentary, and more, all presented in a single view.

Widen the research scope with open-ended exploration

Widen the research scope with open-ended exploration

AI question-answering technology connects previously unconnected dots by mining and synthesizing knowledge found on the web.

With a clear starting point, perform a series of rigorous questions and answers to explore, research, and map connections and causal relationships.

Bypass bias by connecting the dots between entire domains of understanding, and generate a massive number of unforeseen correlations and patterns.

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